7 free harm reduction tools and resources for support

Whether you’re using drugs or trying not to, these free tools can help you stay safer.

Groups Recover Together is a leading provider of treatment and medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD). At Groups, we inform our approach with the principles of harm reduction.

Harm reduction is “a set of practical strategies and ideas” that decrease the risks of using drugs. It’s also a movement “built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.”

Harm reduction is a kinder way to support people who use or used drugs. It’s also effective in reducing the risk of overdose deaths and the spread of infections.

Whether you’re using drugs or trying not to, there are free tools and resources that can help you keep yourself safer.

1. Never Use Alone

If you use opioids, make sure you’re not alone to decrease the chances of overdose. Call the Never Use Alone Overdose Prevention Lifeline 24/7/365 at (877) 696-1996.

2. Pocket Rehab 

Pocket Rehab is a free app for people impacted by addiction. It offers 24/7 recovery support, resources to help people avoid using, and an online community.

3. Medication Assisted Recovery Anonymous (MARA)

Not all 12-step recovery programs are supportive of MOUD. Medication Assisted Recovery Anonymous (MARA) changes that. They host online and in-person support group meetings all around the country.

4. Naloxone

Naloxone (Narcan) is a life-saving medication. It reverses the effects of opioid overdose. Groups members can get free access to naloxone through their care teams. NEXT Distro also helps people across the U.S. get free naloxone by mail or through a local group.

5. Syringe service programs

Syringe service programs (SSPs) reduce the risk of getting and spreading HIV and viral hepatitis. They do that through distribution of clean needles and other life-saving resources. The North American Syringe Exchange Network (NASEN) helps people find the nearest SSP.

6. Fentanyl test strips

Fentanyl strips test your drug supply for the presence of fentanyl. Groups members can request free test strips from their care teams. There are also places in many of the states Groups services that can connect people with strips:

If you live in another state, there may be local groups that offer free strips. Reach out to your health department to learn more.

Note: In Indiana, Texas, and many other states, fentanyl strips are illegal.

7. Local harm reduction groups

There are harm reduction groups located all over the country. Reach out to your local group for support or to get involved:

Find local harm reduction groups near you.

New to Groups? Groups is a leading outpatient treatment provider for opioid use disorder. Members get access to medication, group therapy, and life goal support. Our flexible program is available online or in person. It’s covered by most Medicaid and insurance plans. If you don’t have insurance, we’ll work with you to get you the care you need.

Call us at (888) 858-1723 any time, 365 days a year, to find out if Groups is right for you.