8 expert-backed methods that may help you manage the symptoms of opioid withdrawal

To reap the rewards of recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD), you first need to make it through the challenging process of detoxification. Chances are, at some point during the process, you’ll experience some withdrawal symptoms

Medications like Suboxone can help curb withdrawal symptoms. However, some medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) can’t be taken until you reach a certain level of withdrawal. When you begin treatment, you can create a plan for managing withdrawal symptoms and include both support from care providers and things you can do on your own.

Opioid withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Tears or runny nose
  • Goose bumps
  • Muscle aches and pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dilated pupils
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sleep issues
  • Yawning
  • Rapid breathing
  • Overactive reflexes
  • Fast heart rate
  • Sweating
  • High blood pressure
  • Overheating

In this blog post, we’ll share eight strategies that can help you manage symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

8 strategies that help relieve opioid withdrawal symptoms

In general, taking care of your mental and physical health will help improve withdrawal symptoms. You should drink plenty of water and eat balanced meals. Make sure you get lots of rest and a bit of movement each day. Avoid caffeine, as it can make anxiety and shaking worse. 

Connecting with people who support your recovery will help lift your spirits and provide some distraction. It’s also important to make time for activities you enjoy. This will help keep your mind and body engaged so you’re less preoccupied with your symptoms. Exercise can be a great distraction from withdrawal that promotes general wellness. Watching your favorite movies, listening to music, and creating art are other good options.

Try the following strategies to manage specific symptoms of opioid withdrawal:

  • Over-the-counter medicines 

Several over-the-counter medicines can help with symptoms. You can take NSAID pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil). Loperamide (Imodium) helps with diarrhea. You can also take diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for sleep and relaxation.

  • Prescription medicines 

If withdrawal symptoms are interfering with your life, talk with your prescriber about medications that can help. You need to get enough sleep to feel your best. You also need to be comfortable enough to participate in other aspects of recovery, like counseling, support groups, and working toward your life goals. 

The following medicines are sometimes prescribed off-label to help with withdrawal symptoms:

  • Clonidine for cravings and anxiety
  • Ondansetron for nausea
  • Hydroxyzine for anxiety and sleep problems
  • Dicyclomine for stomach cramps
  • Mirtazapine for sleep problems
  • Acupuncture and acupressure 

Acupuncture and acupressure* can help with many withdrawal symptoms, including pain and cravings. Talk with your acupuncturist about what you’re experiencing before treatment. This will help them customize your experience for the best results.

  • Mindfulness practices 

Mindfulness practices can help you feel more calm and fully present. They can also be great for managing pain. Experiment with different types of mindfulness to see what you like best. You might try different types of meditation, yoga, or tai chi.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 

CBT is a versatile form of therapy that helps you understand your thoughts and feelings better. As you learn how your mind works, you can make more intentional choices. CBT can help with pain and anxiety.

  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) units 

TENS units stimulate the nerves by applying a gentle electrical charge. It feels like a tingling sensation. These are helpful for pain.

  • Chiropractor support 

Muscle tension, poor posture, and other issues can make pain from withdrawal feel worse. Some people benefit from seeing a chiropractor. They can adjust your back and help you learn to sit and stand with better posture.

  • Body massage and manipulation 

Massage and soft tissue manipulation help relieve pain and promote healthy movement. You might see a massage therapist for back pain, neck pain, and general relaxation. Or you might see a physical therapist for pain and stiffness anywhere in your body.

*Learn about how the Young Lords in New York City transformed acupuncture treatment for opioid withdrawal.

Withdrawal symptoms management tips from Groups counselors

We spoke with Groups team members across the country to get their advice for managing withdrawal symptoms. Here is what they said:

1. Consider working with recovery experts

“If you are not already working with a provider or program, consider possible options that may best support you,” suggests Maine-based Mental Health and Substance Use Counselor Angie McAdam. Angie adds that you can discuss comfort medicines with your providers.

“If you feel concerned about your safety [while in withdrawal], consider medical detox,” says Groups counselor Marguerite Boone in Louisville, KY.

2. Come up with a plan

“Talk with your health care provider about your goals and treatment plans. Be sure withdrawal symptom management is part of your discussion,” Stephanie advises. “Keep an open line of communication with any health care providers and supports.” Stephanie adds that having a trusted friend by your side as you detox is a good idea.

Angie recommends talking your plan through with whatever supports you have. Angie also suggests “activities to help keep you busy and distracted” and “practicing gratitude.” “Remember to take it one day at a time,” Angie says. “If that seems overwhelming, focus on this hour or this minute.”

3. Remind yourself of the facts and get the resources you need

Withdrawal “can be uncomfortable, feel awful. But it is typically not life-threatening,” reminds Marguerite.

“It’s going to hurt both inside and out. But remember: The beautiful journey at the end of this makes it worth it,” adds Farmington, MN Office Manager Emmanuel Reis. “You will find the life you always deserved.”

4. Take care of and listen to your body

“Maintaining a routine is important,” says Angie. “Balance rest with other activities, stay hydrated, eat well, and develop a sleep routine.”

Portland, ME Senior Recovery Support Specialist Stephanie Roberts recommends “moderate exercise,” like walking. Angie suggests “mindfulness skills such as deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and journaling.”

Stephanie adds that distractions and decreased noise and light can help you better manage symptoms. She also suggests cool compresses or cool baths to calm your nervous system.

5. Lean on your community

“A recovery community gives people the opportunity to connect with others who have shared experiences. It helps build a strong, long-term support network,” explains Stephanie. “Peers in similar situations can offer helpful advice and accountability.”

“Someone that has walked a similar path can be a guide for you, keep you motivated, [and remind you] that you are worth it and will come out of this feeling much better,” adds Emmanuel.

“Often, just having space to vent and know you are being heard can make a difference,” Angie explains. “They may also have recommendations on what can help relieve symptoms.”

Your weekly group can be that community touchpoint. “Group[s] is a great place to gain support,” says Central Indiana Clinical Supervisor Lacey Miller. “Community support in a group setting can offer so much valuable support as you work to navigate withdrawal and toward recovery.”

Groups provides comprehensive treatment to help you through withdrawal and beyond

Making the choice to begin recovery is brave. You don’t have to force yourself to endure withdrawal symptoms on your own. Treatment should help ease the process and make you feel secure and supported. At Groups, we work with our members to help them set their own recovery goals. We provide Suboxone to help with cravings and withdrawal symptoms. We also provide counseling and peer support groups. 

Withdrawal symptoms are one challenging step of a much longer journey. Being surrounded by a caring community of people who understand provides hope when you need it most.

Are you looking for help with OUD and withdrawal? We’re here for you. Give our Recovery Support Specialists a call today

If Groups doesn’t offer treatment in your state, you can locate other treatment options here.