4 ways to stay grounded in your recovery

Recovery is an ongoing process of showing up for yourself every single day. Even when times get really rough. But in those moments, there are ways to help keep yourself on track.

“This is a marathon not a sprint. Imagine you’re driving your car and you hit a pothole. You’re more than likely going to cringe, but keep driving and move on,” explains Bryan, one of Groups’ counselors. “Similarly, when you have a lapse or you are around some people who jeopardize your recovery, you have to look at that as a pothole and not a complete crash. Erase the mentality that you’ve failed completely and need to start all over from the beginning.

In almost 10 years of supporting people through recovery, we’ve collected tips and resources that have helped our members stay grounded. Keep these in your back pocket — and know you can always give us a call, 24/7, when you need extra support.

1. Drop an Anchor.

In those really tough moments, sit down and take time to focus on your breath. Remind yourself that cravings pass. Counselor Jeremy recommends taking 2-4 minutes to “drop anchor”:

Sit down and place your feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes or lower your head. Take three deep and deliberate breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Place your hand on your stomach. For the next three breaths, feel the rise and fall. Place your other hand over your heart. For the next three breaths, be aware of your heart pumping blood and giving you life.  For the next three breaths, focus on the sounds inside and outside the room.  Open your eyes and focus on a spot or object of your choosing. Repeat three deep breaths.  Lift your eyes.

2. Remind Yourself Why.

Remember why you wanted to stop using in the first place. Let those reminders connect you back to your goals and reaffirm them.

3. Reach Out to Trusted Friends.

Have a list of at least three people you can call and how they can support you. Your Groups community is also always there for you.

4. Bookmark These Resources.

There’s no shame in needing some help. These resources are trusted by Groups members and counselors in and beyond recovery.

Get emotional support:

Get help meeting your needs:

Get medical assistance:

Groups is Here Whenever You Need Us

If you find yourself struggling or just need to talk, give us a call. Any time of day or night. Our Recovery Support Specialists are available around the clock to help you through the tough times — and bring you closer to the life you want. 

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