Resources To Help You Reach Your Recovery Goals

Start to Quit: Your Journey to a Healthier You
Quitting smoking or vaping is a journey that requires support, motivation, and practical tools. The Start to Quit program provides encouragement, educational insights, and actionable steps to help our members reduce or quit tobacco use. This post summarizes each lesson from the campaign, highlighting key takeaways and providing links to helpful resources that were shared

8 signs and symptoms of Percocet withdrawal
If you’ve had recurring severe pain and nothing has helped to soothe it, your doctor may prescribe you Percocet in an effort to help. Percocet is the brand name for an opioid drug that combines acetaminophen and oxycodone. Percocet can make you feel relaxed and euphoric while decreasing the pain signals in your brain. If

4 ways Suboxone may affect your weight
Everyone’s bodies are different, and coming to peace with your body can be an important part of your health and well-being. But because we live in a world where people can be judgmental about body size, weight changes may bring up difficult emotions. The truth is, there are so many different reasons why weight may

5 long-term benefits of counseling for those who have experienced addiction
If you’ve experienced addiction in your life, or you have a loved one who you’ve seen go through addiction, then you can understand the mental and emotional impact that it can have on you. Being in recovery for an addiction to a substance, such as opioid use disorder, is a journey that takes time with

What can I expect to feel once I start taking my Suboxone?
Suboxone is one of the gold standard medications used to treat opioid use disorder (OUD). We use it with our members at Groups for a few different reasons that we’ll explain here. Anytime you take a new medication, especially at vulnerable moments like the beginning of recovery, it’s important to understand what kinds of effects

Drug testing: Why we do it and what to expect if you don’t pass
Drug testing is a common aspect of treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD), but it can be stressful. At Groups, we ask our members to do weekly urine screens. These are confidential between each person and their care team. Unlike other treatment centers, we don’t kick people out or judge them for positive results. Recovery