Resources To Help You Reach Your Recovery Goals
2025 Groups Annual Outcomes Report: Changing Lives Through Progress and Accountability
Groups has released our second Annual Outcomes Report. This year’s report reinforces how and why our unique care model for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) treatment and partnerships with community groups, public agencies, and health plans lead to significantly higher results than national averages. In the 2025 Annual Outcomes Report, we are publishing our outcomes through
How can I get fast access to Suboxone treatment?
Suboxone can play an essential role in opioid addiction treatment. If you’re currently working to address your opioid use disorder (OUD), getting Suboxone treatment can be crucial. Suboxone is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for managing opioid dependence. Research proves that it’s an effective choice for diminishing cravings and enhancing quality of
Can opioid withdrawal be fatal?
When someone is experiencing an addiction to opioids, also known as opioid use disorder, it’s assumed that immediately stopping is the only way to reduce the negative impact opioids can have on the mind and body. While it’s important to stop taking opioids to start recovery, it’s not that simple. Withdrawal can be complex and
Will Suboxone show up on a drug test?
Suboxone is one of several prescribed medications that can show up on some, but not all, drug tests. Whether the Suboxone you’re taking is prescribed or not, it can always be a bit nerve-racking to undergo a drug screening. While urine samples are often required by employers, they may also be used as part of
6 key differences between Sublocade and Suboxone
Opioid withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable and make you feel very sick. However, anyone who stops using opioids after a long period of regular use will experience withdrawal. Thankfully, there are medications available to reduce withdrawal symptoms and make the process more manageable. With these medications, you can stop using without the symptoms. Sublocade and
The 4 risks that come with drinking alcohol on Suboxone
Many people who begin treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) are prescribed a medication that can help, called Suboxone. Suboxone is very safe and can be very effective for managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings. However, mixing Suboxone with other substances, such as alcohol, can lead to some potential health risks. In this article, we’ll talk