Resources To Help You Reach Your Recovery Goals
Florida Hurricane Preparedness Kit
Preparing for a hurricane in Florida is key to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. But for many people in recovery, severe hurricanes can also be a huge source of stress and may make it harder to stay sober.
Groups Goal Guide: Housing
Recovery is more than just getting clean. It’s getting back the life you want to live. To do that, we’re here to help you find what you need to survive, grow, and thrive. That means making sure you have a roof over your head. Here are nationwide housing resources that are available for you today.
What to Expect from Groups Recover Together
Unsure about joining Groups Recover Together? In this video, Myles, a counselor at Groups Recover Together, lays out how easy it is to join our addiction recovery program. Watch this video to see how we’re making recovery a bit easier with Suboxone treatment, group therapy sessions, and expert support for you as you work to
11 Myths About Addiction Recovery
At Groups Recover Together, we know all about the stigma around addiction recovery. Some of these myths exist because of fear. Some because they used to be true. In every case, these myths represent a barrier to recovery from addiction. So let’s break them down. 1. People who work in recovery have no idea what
Is it time to ask for help? Take the quiz
Are you worried about your drug use? Take the quiz to see if your addiction has become a problem. Then, learn what to do next. This 2-minute quiz could be your first step to putting heroin and pain pill addiction behind you. For good.