Resources To Help You Reach Your Recovery Goals

3 types of recovery services that may significantly benefit individuals with opioid use disorder
Opioids are a class of drugs that are used to relieve pain. They can be prescribed by a doctor or obtained illegally. Examples of opioids include: Prescription opioids — OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet, morphine, and fentanyl patches are types of prescription opioids. Illegal opioids — Heroin and carfentanil are types of illegal opioids. While these drugs

Who is at higher risk for opioid addiction? Key factors to know
There are some people who can take something with an addictive quality just once and never feel the need to pick it up again. For example, it’s common for teenagers to try a cigarette because it seems “cool,” but many don’t go on to smoke every single day. So what causes a person to experience

Understanding 7 of the long-term effects of opioid addiction
Addiction of any kind starts with just one time of using. While not everyone who uses a substance will have issues with it, there are many people who become dependent on it for a long time. Having a current addiction right now, such as opioid addiction, can lead to long-term mental, emotional, and physical effects.

Groups Holiday Schedule
As we approach the holiday season, we want to share our schedule to help you plan and continue receiving the support you need. Here is an overview of our closures and special arrangements for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Winter Break, and New Year’s Day: Holiday Schedule and Member Support Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day There will be

New One-on-One Time with Your Provider for BlueCare Members
As part of a new requirement from BlueCare Tennessee, members with BlueCare will receive more one-on-one time with their medical provider during regular group sessions. This extra time will give members even more focused support on their recovery journey. At Groups, we believe in the power of community and group support, and we know how

Opioid withdrawal timelines: How long do they last, and can you shorten them?
Deciding to stop taking a substance that you know is harming you, such as opioids, is a huge step toward a healthier future that you should be proud of. However, moving along your recovery journey will include a withdrawal period, which can be challenging for many people. A health care provider can help you reduce